Escentia Cedarwood Essential Oil

Steam distillation from the wood, stumps and sawdust.

Yellowish to orange-yellow to deep amber-coloured viscous oil with a slightly camphoraceous-cresylic odour and a sweet, tenacious woody undertone.

Odour effects:

High concentrations could cause some skin irritation.
Should be avoided during pregnancy.

Main chemical constituents:
Alpha-atlantone, y-atlantone – 19%
Cedrene, caryophyllene, thujopsene, cadinene – 50%
Atlantol, cedrol – 29%

Properties and indications:
Great calming and soothing action. Valuable aid for meditation.
More useful for long-standing complaints. Tonic action on the glandular and nervous system. Good expectorant properties. Important to the genito-urinary tract, particularly where there is burning pain. Could help chronic rheumatism and arthritis.
Great benefit to oily skin. Could help acne. Helps clear dermatitis and psoriasis. A good hair tonic. Skin softening properties may be enhanced when mixed with cypress and frankincense.

Other uses:
Fixative in soaps and used in men’s perfumes.

Escentia Camomile (Roman) Standard Oil

Steam distillation of the flower tops.

Pale blue-green liquid with a warm-sweet fruity herbaceous odour, somewhat “apple”-like.

Odour effects:
Fresh and soothing.

Emmenagogue. Pregnancy caution.

Main chemical constituents:
Butyl, – amyl – and hexyl esters of tiglic and angelic acids – 75%
Pinocarvone – 3%
Chemazulene – 5%
1,8 – Cineole – 5%
Alpha – pinene and sabinene – 5%
Farnesol, nerolidol and alpha-terpineol – 6%

Properties and indications:
Very soothing, easing anxiety, tension and fear. Gives patience and allays worries.
Analgesic. Eases pain of lower back, head-aches, toothache and neuralgia.
Popular choice for PMT and menopause. Soothes stomach bringing possible relief to gastritis, colitis, vomiting, wind and inflammation of the bowels. May help irritable bowel syndrome. Said to assist in liver problems. Stimulates immune system, and could be effective against anaemia.

Other uses:
Antiseptic ointments and antispasmodic preparations. Used in high-class perfumes and hair and bath products. Also used in alcoholic drinks.

Escentia Melissa Blend Essential Oil

Steam distillation of the leaves and flowering tops.

A pale yellow liquid with a light, fresh, lemony fragrance.

Odour effects:
Calming, emotional tonic.

Avoid during pregnancy. Could irritate some skins.

Main chemical constituents:
Geranyl acetate, neryl acetate, citronellyl acetate – 2%
Citronellal, Citral – 49%
Methyl heptenone – 7%
Beta-caryophyllene, germacrene, alpha copaene – 20%
1.8 – Cineol, caryophyllene oxide – 4%
Limonene, trans-acimene – 1%
Citronellol, geraniol, linalool – 5%

Properties and indications:
Calming, yet uplifting effect on emotions. Said to remove ‘blocks’. Soothing in cases of shock, panic, and hysteria.
Eases high blood pressure, slowing down heartbeat, especially where the heart has been over stimulated. Regulates periods and promotes a soothing and relaxing action on painful menstruation. Tonic to the uterus. May be helpful with nausea, flatulence, vomiting, dyspepsia, and dysentery. Has a cooling effect on fevers. Seems to have a calming action on rapid breathing, and may therefore be good for asthma.
Checks blood flow in wounds and may have some effect on fungal infections. Said to clear greasy hair and counteract baldness.

Other uses:
Toiletries, cosmetics and perfumes. Employed in major food categories

Escentia Marjoram Essential Oil

Steam distillation of the dried flowering herb.

A pale yellow or pale amber, rather mobile liquid of a warm-spicy, aromatic-camphoraceous and woody odour.

Odour effects:

Prolonged use can cause drowsiness. Best not used during pregnancy.

Main chemical constituents:
Linalyl acetate, terpinyl acetate, geranyl acetate – 2%
Citral – 1%
Caryophyllene, cadinene – 3%
Beta-pinene, alpha-terpinene, y-terpinene, p-cymene, myrcene, limonene, ocimene, sabinene – 40%
Linalool, borneol, alpha-terpineol, terpinen-4-ol – 50%
Carvacrol, Eugenol – 1%

Properties and indications:
Calms the nervous system, relieving anxiety and perhaps deeper psychological traumas.
Strengthens the mind, helping to confront issues. May give a feeling of comfort in cases of grief and loneliness, as it has a warming effect on the emotions. Good for hyperactive people.
Particularly effective for painful muscles, notably in the lower back area. May also help with rheumatic aches and swollen joints, because it dilates arteries and capillaries. A good heart tonic, it seems to lower blood pressure. Relaxing effect helps headaches, migraines and insomnia. Soothing on digestion and may help with stomach cramps, indigestion, constipation, flatulence. Possibly effective against sea-sickness. Beneficial for colds, sinusitis, bronchitis, and asthma. Could be useful in regulating the menstrual cycle. Has a reputation for quelling sexual desire.
Valuable in clearing bruises.

Other uses:
Used widely in meats, seasonings, sauces, and in perfumery.

Escentia Lavender Essential Oil

Steam distillation of the fresh flowering tops.

Colourless to pale yellow mobile liquid of sweet, floral-herbaceous refreshing odour with a pleasant, balsamic-woody undertone.

Odour effects:
Stabilising and refreshing.

People with low blood pressure may develop some drowsiness, and it is an emmenagogue, so best avoided during early months of pregnancy.

Main chemical constituents:
Linalyl acetate, geranyl acetate, lavandulyl acetate – 45%
Citral – 1%
Octanone, camphor – 4%
Beta-caryophyllene – 5%
Coumarin, Umbelliferone – 1%
1.8-Cineol, linalool oxide, caryophyllene oxide – 2%
Cuminaldehyde, benzaldehyde – 1%
ocimene, camphene, limonene – 4%
Terpinen-4-ol, alpha terpineol, linalool, borneol, geraniol, lavandulol – 36%

Properties and indications:
It is suggested that it stabilizes the physical, etheric and astral bodies, which indicates a positive effect on psychological disorder. Appears to cleanse and soothe the spirit, relieving anger and exhaustion. Balancing action on the central nervous system may be valuable in manic-depressive states.
Sedative action on heart could decrease blood pressure. Gives effective relief for insomnia. Pain relieving qualities would be good for sprains, strains and sharp rheumatic pains. Blends with Marjoram to enhance this. Beneficial to the respiratory system, dealing with infections. It is a good general immuno-booster. May be helpful in childbirth and speeding delivery. Said to clear the spleen and the liver. Increases gastric secretion and could be of use in nausea, vomiting, colic and flatulence.
Stimulates bile production.
Promotes growth of new cells and balances sebum. Has a pronounced healing effect on burns and sunburn and helps acne, eczema and psoriasis. Said to heal abscesses, boils and carbuncles as well as minimise fungal growths, swellings, scarrings and gangrenous wounds. An effective hair tonic.

Other uses:
Pharmaceutical antiseptic ointments, soaps, lotions, detergents, cosmetics, perfumes, toilet water and colognes.

Kulanji Black Seed Oil 100ml (Kalonji Oil)

Kulanji Black Seed Oil 100ml (Kalonji Oil)

1- Asthma Attack

To treat the asthma attack mix 10 drops of Kulanji – Black Seed oil and one tea spoon honey in one glass warm water. Drink it as morning drink and once after dinner. Forty days treatment gives a positive result.

2- Bleeding of Nose

Bleeding of nose is a common problem among kids especially in hot days of summer. For its treatment burn a clean white paper. To the ashes add twenty two drops of Kulanji – Black Seed oil and apply inside the nose.

3- Burns

To treat the burns combine 5 gm Kulanji – Black Seed oil, 30 gm olive oil, 15 grams of Calamus (BUCH) and 80 grams of Mehendi leaves. Application on burns and feel soothing.

4- Chest Irritation & Stomach Trouble

Follow a three days treatment to control chest irritation and stomach trouble. Make a mixture by adding half tea spoon Kulanji – Black Seed oil in a cup of warm milk. Drink it two times in a day.

5- Cough & Congestion

Take some Kulanji – Black Seed oil, add desi Ghee and little salt and rub it on throat and chest once a day. Taking ½ teaspoon of Kulanji – Black Seed oil daily in the morning is also beneficial.

6- Constipation

Mix ten drops of black Kulanji – Black Seed oil with one teaspoon castor oil in mild warm milk and drink.

7- Dandruff

Mix 10 gms of Kulanji – Black Seed oil, 30 gms of olive oil, 30 gms of mehindi powder. Heat for a while and apply paste on scalps when becomes cool, rinse well with shampoo after one hour.

8- Diabetic

Take one cup of black tea with one tea spoon Kulanji – Black Seed oil in it. Take it twice a day, in the morning and before going to bed. Continue taking it for least forty days. After that take some sweet to check the sugar level. If it is on normal level, stop taking black tea.

9- Ear Infection

Mix equal amount of Kulanji – Black Seed oil and pure olive oil, mild warm it and put a few drops in ear.

10- Fever Treatment

For the treatment of simple fever. In a half cup of water add half lemon juice and half tea spoon of Kulanji – Black Seed oil; mix well and use it twice a day. Treatment may continue until you get relief from fever.

11- Fresh Face

For the freshness of your face use this remedy. Mix up three table spoons of honey, half table spoon Kulanji – Black Seed oil and half tea spoon olive oil. Apply this mixture on your face twice a day in the morning and before sleep. Continue treatment at least forty days.

12- Hair Loss & Premature Greying

Scrub the scalp thoroughly with lemon; leave it for fifteen minutes & shampoo. After getting dried apply Kulanji – Black Seed oil to whole scalp, continue for six weeks.

13- Headache

Headache is one of the major diseases of present era. To get rid from it, at the time of headache message Kulanji – Black Seed oil on the forehead and near ears. If you should not feel easy then also drink half tea spoon Kulanji – Black Seed oil twice a day.

14- Heart Attack

To lower down the risk of heart attack use this effective treatment. Mix half tea spoon of Kulanji – Black Seed oil in one cup of goat milk and use it twice a day. This will liquefy the fats & widen the veins & arteries. Avoid fatty foods. Continue drinking for ten days and after that take it once a day.

15- Joint Pain

Swelling on ankle and other pains in the joints are terrible to face. Make an effective remedy by mixing one tea spoon vinegar, two tea spoons of honey and add half tea spoon of Kulanji – Black Seed oil. Use this mixture two times a day before breakfast & after dinner and also massage with same oils. Avoid gas producing elements for 21 days.
16- Memory Power

Weak memory power and forgetfulness is a great issue in many people. To strengthen memory power boil 10 gm mint leaves in half cup water. Strain and mix half tea spoon Kulanji – Black Seed oil and take it twice a day. Continue treatment for twenty days.

17- Migraine

Add one drop of Kulanji – Black Seed oil in the opposite nasal area of the headache. Head massage with black Kulanji – Black Seed oil and drink ten drops of Kulanji – Black Seed oil once a day to relief from migraine.

18- Obesity

Take half tea spoon of Kulanji – Black Seed oil, two tea spoons of honey mixed in lukewarm water and take twice a day. It will help to overcome your obesity. You also need to avoid from fried foods and bakery items.

19- Perfect Sleep

For a perfect good night sleep, right after dinner take half tea spoon Kulanji – Black Seed oil with one tea spoon honey and enjoy a sound sleep.

20- Piles and Madness

Take half teaspoon of Kulanji – Black Seed oil mixed with one cup black tea, take twice a day before breakfast & after dinner. Avoid hot & spicy items.

21- Pimples & Acne

Take one cup sweet lime juice or pineapple juice add half teaspoon of Kulanji – Black Seed oil twice a time daily. Before breakfast & after dinner for four weeks.

22- Severe Cold

To treat the severe cold, take half cup of water add half tea spoon Kulanji – Black Seed oil and quarter tea spoon of olive oil; mix together and strain. Add two drops of strained mixture into the nose. Use this twice a day for better result.

23- Tooth Ache & Swelling Gums

Mix half teaspoon of Kulanji – Black Seed oil with warm water & gargle the mouth. Also apply Kulanji – Black Seed oil on the affected tooth, it will lighten pain quickly.

24- Weakness of Brain

To increase brain power take one teaspoon of ghee or two teaspoons of milk cream with two drops of Kulanji – Black Seed oil and add sugar for taste, take it daily before breakfast. Continue until gets good result.

25- White and Black Spots on Skin

Make a solution by mixing one cup white vinegar and one tea spoon Kulanji – Black Seed oil. Apply this mixture on affected areas before sleep at night and rinse off in the morning. Repeat this until get a clear skin.

Escentia Rosemary Essential Oil

Steam distillation of the fresh flowering tops.

An almost colourless, mobile liquid of strong, fresh, woody-herbaceous, somewhat minty-forest like odour. The high fresh notes vanish quickly, leaving a clean woody-balsamic body note, toning out to a dry-herb-aceous tenacious bitter-sweet note.

Odour effects:

Because of the highly stimulating action, it is not suitable for epilepsy or high blood pressure. Avoid during pregnancy. May antidote homeopathic remedies.

Main chemical constituents:
Bornyl acetate, fenchyl acetate – 2%
Camphor, carvone, thujone, octonone – 25%
Caryophyllene, humulene – 4%
1-8 Cineole, caryophyllene oxide – 30%
Alpha-Pinene, Beta-Pinene, camphene, myrcene, limonene, p-cymene – 30%
Terpineol, linalool, borneol, terpinen-4-ol – 3%

Properties and indications:
Enlivens brain cells, clears the head and aids memory. Good for general dullness. Strengthens the mind where there is weakness and exhaustion.
Revives the senses, and could play a part in restoring impediments of speech, hearing and sight. Clears migraines, particularly when connected to gastric problems. May be useful for vertigo. Helps to tone temporarily paralyzed limbs. Helps to ease gout, rheumatic pains, and tired, overworked muscles. A valuable heart and cardiac stimulant, normalising low blood pressure. Could benefit anaemia. Tonic for the lungs and could help with asthma, bronchitis, and influenza. Acts as a liver decongestant and may help to relieve hepatitis and cirrhosis as well as gallstones, jaundice or bile duct blockages. A boosting action on the digestion could ease colitis, dyspepsia, flatulence and stomach pains. Combats scanty periods. Diuretic properties could be useful with cellulite and obesity.
An astringent – helpful for sagging skin. May ease congestion, puffiness and swelling as well. Benefits scalp disorders and could alleviate dandruff and encourage hair growth.

Other uses:
Used in soaps, detergents, cosmetics, household sprays and perfumes. Extensively employed in meat products, alcoholic and soft drinks. A source of natural anti-oxidants


Escentia Peppermint Essential Oil

Steam distillation from the rapidly dried herb.

A pale yellow coloured liquid with a powerful grassy-minty odour, a deep balsamic-sweet undertone and a sweet, clean dryout note.

Odour effects:
Powerful and overwhelming.

Likely to irritate the skin and mucous membranes, and will certainly irritate the eyes. To be avoided during pregnancy and by nursing mothers. Likely to anti-dote homeopathic remedies.

Main chemical constituents:
Menthyl acetate – 6%
Menthone, Iso-menthone, pulegone – 30%
Germacrene, Beta-caryophyllene – 6%
Aesculetine, menthofuran – 1%
1 – 8 Cineole, caryophyllene oxide – 7%
Phellandrene, alpha Pinene, Beta Pinene, Menthen, Limonene – 6%
Menthol, Neomenthol, isomenthol, linalool – 42%

Properties and indications:
Seems to relieve states of anger, hysteria and nervous trembling. Ideal for mental fatigue and depression.
A good remedy for colds by halting mucous and encouraging perspiration. Useful in dry coughs, sinus congestion and general respiratory disorders. Has a major action on the digestive system. Has a relaxing effect on the stomach muscles. Deals with vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation, flatulence, halitosis, colic, gall stones, nausea and travel sickness. Could assist in kidney and liver disorders. Good for numbness of limbs, shock, vertigo, anaemia, dizziness and fainting. A tonic to the heart and mind. Seems to ease headaches, migraines and toothache. A great remedy for aching feet and may provide some relief from rheumatism, neuralgia and muscle-aches.
Could be useful in cases of dermatitis, ringworm, scabies and pruritis. Can relieve itching, inflammation and sunburn. Softens skin, enabling removal of blackheads. Has a good effect on greasy skin and hair.

Other uses:
A great deterrent for rodents and insects. Has a wide range of flavour uses, especially chewing gum and sweets. Employed extensively in the toothpaste industry.


Arcon Tisane 60 caps

Arcon Tisane

Arcon Southern Africa has now been on the market for 30 years. We are one of the most effective anti-hair loss products on the market today.

Arcon-Tisane Hair Vitamin Capsules are nutritional supplements with fenugreek seed concentrate as well as essential hair-active vitamins from the B group.

The composition of valuable vitamins and fenugreek seed extract has been selected so that the body is supplied with important nutrients and building substances. Since the body cannot produce these vitamins itself, these must be externally supplied through ingestion of our daily nourishment. But a deficiency often ensues; many factors impede sufficient intake of essential vitamins, be it insufficient nourishment, stress or otherwise also negative environmental influence.

This product has been on the market in unchanged form since 1987. One capsule should be taken twice daily over the course of at least 4 months for an effective hair treatment. Arcon-Tisane® Hair Vitamin Capsules are devoid of preservatives and artificial dyes.

Ingredients: Fenugreek concentrate 4:1, micron. (31%) (Fenugreek concentrate with maltodextrine); Soybean Oil; Gelatin (bovine); wetting agent: Glycerin; Soybean Oil hydrogenated; Nicotinamide; Calcium-D-Pantothenate; Lecithin IP (Soy); Riboflavin; Pyridoxin HCI; Water; dyes: cocoa powder and Lemon Flavour, natural; Pteroylmonoglutamic Acid (Folic Acid)


Arcon Tisane reference

e-mail received on 27/02/2011

Fenugreek + Vitamin Hair Capsule and Shampoo:

My Experience, E.D.E
“Due to a Health Problem, my hair started falling out in large quantities, especially during washing. This problem persisted for several months and, obviously, I was very worried.
Because the problem seemed to be related to my general health and not to changes in the weather, the climate or the season of the year, I looked for a nutrient-related remedy and was advised to use  Arcon Tisane Fenugreek Hair Capsules .
Within about 3 to 4 months, new hair started to grow visibly, both in between and at the fringes of my existing hair, making my hair look fuller and healthier.
My hair is back to its normal fullness now and washing it with Fenugreek Shampoo gives it a super look and a wonderfully healthy shine. The shampoo obviously does a great job removing dirt, dust and hairspray.
I can truly recommend both products and I am and will remain a happy user.”
Yours sincerely
E. D. E.

An Excerpt from the Dharmender Article

Treatments that work to stop hair loss 

By Dharmender 

Several studies have shown that certain non-drug products promote hair growth but none have yet been approved by the FDA. This is partly due to the prohibitive costs involved in conducting trials to prove that the products are effective for the purpose of marketing them as hair loss treatments. Many individuals and dermatologists nonetheless recommend use of certain non-drug treatments as an alternative or complement to drug therapy. 

In many instances the treatments are based on natural ingredients that stimulate similar responses to those of the prescribed drugs but without the side effects. The information provided here presents a sample of products that have been subjected to testing or at least have had their effectiveness supported by independent feedback. 

One such product is Arcon Tisane which has become Europe’s top selling natural supplement for hair loss. Arcon Tisane has been clinically tested and has received widespread media coverage of its success in combating hair loss. 

It comes as a capsule and sublingual spray containing saw palmetto and fenugreek stimulating a response similar to that of finasteride by inhibiting the production of DHT.

China Herb Replenish Essence

Key Symptoms and Signs for Use:
Alopecia, hair loss
Early appearance of white or grey hair and beard
Poor memory
Lassitude in back and legs
Tongue: Pale
Pulse: Deficiency

Clinical Application for Reference:
Hair loss
Thin or premature graying of hair
High cholesterol