Kolorex Digestive Care



Your long-lasting solution to persistent bloating and abdominal discomfort caused by fungal overgrowth in the gut. Starts to work from Day One.

Kolorex Digestive Care contains active ingredient polygodial from Horopito leaf. It assists in the relief of symptoms associated with fungal overgrowth in the gut, e.g:


Trapped wind


Abdominal discomfort


Kolorex dose in adults and children > 12 years:

Adults should take one capsule once a day with a meal

The dose can be increased to one capsule twice a day or as prescribed by a healthcare practitioner

Maintenance dosage: Take 1 capsule twice a day for one week per month for as long as required

Factors that can cause fungal overgrowth include:


Diets high in refined foods, sugar and yeasts, or deficient in vitamins and minerals

A course of antibiotics

Hormones, e.g. use of oral contraceptives or oestrogen hormone therapy

Weakened immune system and drugs that suppress immunity, e.g. corticosteroids

Diabetes mellitus

The symptoms of fungal overgrowth in the gut

Candida can affect various parts of the body and cause a wide array of symptoms. Symptoms specific to the gut include constipation or diarrhoea, abdominal pain, persistent heartburn, bloating, nausea, irritable bowel syndrome and bad breath. This is sometimes referred to as chronic Candida syndrome of the gut.


What is Candida?

Candida albicans is a fungus that is normally found in your gut. Although Candida usually does not cause disease, it is always looking for just the right conditions to grow and become a burden on your health.


How does fungal overgrowth in the gut happen?

In normal circumstances, the lining of your gut is covered with thousands of healthy bugs that work to keep Candida in check. When their balance is disturbed, Candida can take over.

What are the predominant causes of fungal overgrowth in the gut?

Unfortunately, in this modern world we are constantly bombarded by stress and poor diets high in refined carbohydrates and sugar. This can lead to imbalances with healthy bacteria, and provides the perfect opportunity for Candida to take over. As well as the general stresses of modern life, specific triggers can result in fungal overgrowth. People who have taken antibiotics can experience an overgrowth of Candida in the intestine as the healthy bacteria in the gut are killed by the antibiotics. Other factors such as uncontrolled diabetes and an impaired immune system can also allow Candida to flourish.