Natural Orange Bio Laundry Soap 5kg



Natural Orange Bio Laundry Soap 5kg

For 5kg of clothes:
Front Loaders: 1 tablespoon (25ml) directly into the drum
Top Loader: 1 tablespoon (25ml) directly into the drum
Hand wash: 1 tablespoon (25ml) dissolve in to cold or hot water then add to laundry

Can be used with any kind of washing machines as well as for hand wash purposes. It will remove the most stubborn stains and leave your clothes soft without the use of extra softeners. It is Hypoallergenic and adequate to use for the clothes of babies and people with sensitive skins.

Why should you use Green/Eco-friendly cleaning products?
Healthier Family
•    Fewer allergies less exposure to synthetic chemicals
•    No skin irritation
•    Safer for your skin
•    Naturally scented with natural essential oils
•    No lingering chemical smells / fumes
•    Petroleum Free
•    Reduces chemical exposure
•    Safe for babies & pets
•    No cancer causing ingredients for pets or family

Happier Home
•    Concentrated with only needed, effective ingredients – no fillers, less expensive when used properly
•    Safe from potential poisoning of kids
•    Clothes & Linen last longer – due to non corrosive chemicals
•    Green cleaning products are free from corrosive chemicals
•    Will not interfere with water systems as all natural
•    Cleaner air – less asthma, hayfever, sinus, allergic reactions
•    No toxicity – maintains immunity

Cleaner Environment
•    Biodegradable
•    Free from toxic chemicals which pollute our air, water and soil
•    Lowers the impact in the ozone layer
•    Reduces number of smog forming particle present in the air