Irish Moss 100g


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Irish Moss 100g

Dried Irish Moss Cut, also known as Carrageen, is mainly used to treat cough and bronchitis. Also known for its gelling properties, in its powdered form it is often used as a thickener and stabiliser in milk products, i.e. ice cream and processed foods.

In skincare it can be made into a gel which can be used a hydrating facial mask, balancing the skin’s microbiome.

Sea moss is popular in haircare as the gel made from it is deeply conditioning and hydrating, softening hair and making it more manageable.


Here are the top health benefits of sea moss:

Sea moss contains trace levels of iodine

Sea moss contains iodine, although levels will vary depending on the product. Iodine is an essential nutrient for proper thyroid health, which helps to control metabolism.

Irish sea moss contains roughly 20% of your RDA of iodine, which makes it a great way to supplement your intake from other sources.

It also contains iron

Iron deficiency is very common in the UK, particularly in those who don’t eat animal products. Sea moss is a great source of iron because it contains more than 9 times the amount found in animal products.

Sea moss contains a wealth of other nutrients

What’s more, Irish sea moss contains over 90% of essential nutrients required by the human body. These include vitamin B, beta-carotene, sulfur, magnesium, and more. This makes it a great natural food supplement.

Sea moss can help promote weight loss

While this is related to its iodine levels, it deserves a point of its own. Your thyroid helps to regulate energy levels, and by extension weight loss. However, too much iodine can have a negative effect, so check with a doctor before using sea moss as a weight loss supplement.

It contains anti-inflammatories

Sea moss is also a great source of potassium chloride, which is a powerful anti-inflammatory. In turn, this helps your body to fight off minor infections by increasing immune response.

Sea moss is a rich source of protein

Better yet, sea moss contains 6g of protein per 100g. This is a pretty high density for a plant, and is therefore a useful supplement for those building muscle or eating an all-plant diet.

Irish sea moss contains taurine

Similarly, sea moss is a good source of taurine. You might know of this from energy drinks, but taurine is an amino acid used to burn fat and build muscle. Being able to get it from a healthy source is therefore useful for gym-goers.

It can help improve your gut

Sea moss comes in many forms, one of which is mucilaginous gel. In short, this coats the inside of your bowels (in a good way) and makes it much, much easier to go to the toilet.

Sea moss can improve your skin

The anti-inflammatory properties of sea moss also make it good for skin. You can make a facemask out of the gel, which will draw toxins from the skin while also hydrating it.

It’s good for post-workout fatigue

Sea moss is made from collagen proteins, which are useful for repairing muscle. Irish sea moss is ideal for taking after a workout because it’ll quickly stimulate repair of muscles and connective tissue.