Escentia Peppermint Essential Oil

Steam distillation from the rapidly dried herb.

A pale yellow coloured liquid with a powerful grassy-minty odour, a deep balsamic-sweet undertone and a sweet, clean dryout note.

Odour effects:
Powerful and overwhelming.

Likely to irritate the skin and mucous membranes, and will certainly irritate the eyes. To be avoided during pregnancy and by nursing mothers. Likely to anti-dote homeopathic remedies.

Main chemical constituents:
Menthyl acetate – 6%
Menthone, Iso-menthone, pulegone – 30%
Germacrene, Beta-caryophyllene – 6%
Aesculetine, menthofuran – 1%
1 – 8 Cineole, caryophyllene oxide – 7%
Phellandrene, alpha Pinene, Beta Pinene, Menthen, Limonene – 6%
Menthol, Neomenthol, isomenthol, linalool – 42%

Properties and indications:
Seems to relieve states of anger, hysteria and nervous trembling. Ideal for mental fatigue and depression.
A good remedy for colds by halting mucous and encouraging perspiration. Useful in dry coughs, sinus congestion and general respiratory disorders. Has a major action on the digestive system. Has a relaxing effect on the stomach muscles. Deals with vomiting, diarrhoea, constipation, flatulence, halitosis, colic, gall stones, nausea and travel sickness. Could assist in kidney and liver disorders. Good for numbness of limbs, shock, vertigo, anaemia, dizziness and fainting. A tonic to the heart and mind. Seems to ease headaches, migraines and toothache. A great remedy for aching feet and may provide some relief from rheumatism, neuralgia and muscle-aches.
Could be useful in cases of dermatitis, ringworm, scabies and pruritis. Can relieve itching, inflammation and sunburn. Softens skin, enabling removal of blackheads. Has a good effect on greasy skin and hair.

Other uses:
A great deterrent for rodents and insects. Has a wide range of flavour uses, especially chewing gum and sweets. Employed extensively in the toothpaste industry.


NeoGenesis Health Vitamin B12 Energy Patch

Feel Healthy Neogenesis Health Vitamin B12 patch

NeoGenesis Health Vitamin B12 Energy Patch

The Transdermal delivery and release system provides a highly efficient, safe, and easy to use method for delivering active ingredients and other compounds to the body through intact skin, thereby offering many other advantages over the traditional dosage forms.


The best form of vitamin B12 to supplement with is called methylcobalamin. This is the form that exists in nature, and it is pre-methylated, meaning it’s ready for your biochemistry to put to immediate use.


As explained by Ed Sharpe: “The coenzyme form of vitamin B12 is known as methylcobalamin or methyl B12. It’s the only form of vitamin B12 which can directly participate in homocysteine metabolism.

In addition, converting homocysteine to methionine via methyl B12 generates an increased supply of SAMe (S-adenosyl methionine), the body’s most important methyl donor.”

Taking vitamin B12 as an oral dose is largely a waste of money, even if it’s the methylcobalamin form. As much as 99% of the B12 you swallow is not even absorbed – it just passes through your body. There is a whole range of digestive complexities that affect B12 absorption, and since most people these days have at least some degree of digestive imbalance, the oral route is mostly ineffective in correcting B12 deficiency.

There are only three effective routes of vitamin B12 administration: by injection; sublingually (dissolved under the tongue); and transdermally

Sublingual absorption is a viable route that also bypasses the challenges of the digestive tract. However, many of the sublingual B12 products also contain cyanocobalamin. The other challenge with the sublingual route is that once again all the vitamin B12 contained in the tablet is delivered to the bloodstream at once, which results in a large portion of the dose being eliminated by the body.

Remember, 1000mcg of vitamin B12 is not usually found in foods, so the body is not able to utilize this large amount of B12 in one dose. To effectively correct vitamin B12 deficiency, the body needs a constant supply of smaller quantities of B12 over several hours.


Vitamin B12 injections obviously require injections from a trained medical professional, so few people pursue this route. The injections usually also contain cheap, synthetic cyanocobalamin.

Our revolutionary vitamin B12 patches, utilizing the latest in transdermal technology, addresses vitamin B12 deficiency by supplying 1000mcg methylcobalamin over a period of 24 hours through the skin, thereby ensuring optimal absorption and utilization of this essential nutrient.

Vitamin B12 Deficiency – Who are at risk?

One of the pitfalls of pursuing a healthy diet is that we are sometimes blind to nutrients we may be missing. Perhaps the most significant nutrient that we are at risk of becoming deficient in as a result of a healthy diet is vitamin B12. This essential nutrient plays a crucial role in nerve health and the production of red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is especially common among vegetarians and vegans, but it’s also surprisingly common in meat eaters too. Why? Because vitamin B12 can only be absorbed in the small intestine, and due to common intestinal ailments, even many meat eaters who consume high levels of B12 are unable to absorb it. Research has shown that most people have some degree of digestive imbalance, which will lead to poor nutrient absorption, and nutrients that are difficult to absorb are most likely to be severely lacking.

This leads to a series of seemingly “mystery” health symptoms that actually have a simple common cause: vitamin B12 deficiency!

Symptoms of B-12 deficiency is shockingly widespread. Studies now show that up to 40% of the population may be clinically deficient in vitamin B12.

Here are some of the most common symptoms of deficiency:

> Chest pain or shortness of breath

> Fatigue or unexplained weakness

> Dizziness, trouble with balance and fainting

> Palpitations

> Confusion, memory loss or dementia

> Coldness, numbness or tingling in the hands and feet

> Slow reflexes or diminished nervous system function

> Pale skin or yellowing of the skin

> Sore mouth and tongue

> High Homocysteine

> and also: sore muscles, headaches, nausea, heartburn, abdominal bloating, urinary or fecal incontinence, erectile dysfunction, apathy,depression, irritability, paranoia, hallucinations, psychosis, changes in personality and difficulty with balance and walking, In addition, vitamin B12 deficiency can actually cause brain shrinkage, according to a University of Oxford study. Although more work needs to be done, research is already suggesting a link between vitamin B12 deficiency and Alzheimer’s.

Vegans and vegetarians are prone to vitamin B12 deficiency, because typical vitamin B12 sources (meats, yogurt, etc.) are simply not present in their diets. But even meat eaters can be deficient in B12 due to poor digestion. This is especially true for older people who suffer a diminished ability to absorb nutrients in their small intestine. In addition, many chronic medicines, such as diabetes drugs and even pain pills can interfere with B12 absorption, and intestinal parasites can also strongly block its absorption in the gut. Flora imbalance in the digestive tract can also impact negatively on vitamin B12 levels.

Why you should be concerned about your

B12 status?

Vitamin B12 is a vital nutrient to the overall function of the body. It has several essential functions including:

> Production and maturation of red blood cells to allow adequate energy production.

> Production of the insulating fat layer around nerves.

> Protection from neurodegenerative conditions such as Parkinson’s, dementia and depression.

> Increased production of dopamine, needed for adequate motivation and intestinal function.

> Breakdown and clearance of hormones.

> Proper DNA and RNA replication to promote enhanced healing, recovery and growth.

Are you at risk for a B12 Deficiency?

Here are just a few of the common reasons why you might be deficient in B12:

> Medications such as glucose regulating drugs and hormone replacement therapy, especially estrogen, interfere with B12 absorption.

> Antacids reduce the acid in the stomach needed to absorb B12.

> Low protein diets decrease the amount of B12 available.

> Altered intestinal function from a non-Paleo diet, grain consumption, stress or intestinal infections.

> Alcohol increases the excretion of B12 and its cofactors.

Aging results in a decreased ability to produce the necessary constituents such as hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor needed for B12 uptake.

> Reduced absorption can also be related to immune reactions against the cells of the stomach that release intrinsic factor, which plays an integral role in B12 absorption, a condition known as pernicious anemia.

> Stress inhibits gastric activity and efficient assimilation of nutrients.

> Correct form: It contains methylcobalamin (1000mcg per patch)

> Correct route: It delivers vitamin B12 through the skin, using a small medical-grade patch placed behind the ear.

> Correct dose: Each patch delivers 1000 mcg of methylcobalamin in a steady time-release dose over a 24- hour period.

> Synergism: In addition to methylcobalamin, each patch also delivers 400mcg of Folic Acid, which is widely known to work synergistically with methylcobalamin for heart and nervous system health.

> Contains no toxic cyanide

Kolorex Advanced Care 30 caps

Kolorex Advance Care

Kolorex Advanced Care

Candida overgrowth or candidiasis was first described in paediatric texts as early as the 17th century. Nowadays, speculations are that approximately 33% of people in western countries suffer from candida overgrowth, with certain naturopathic schools of thought estimating over 80%. The reasons for this are put down to high consumption of antibiotics and dietary sugars that further promote candida proliferation.

A good anti-candida programme should involve both supplemental and dietary considerations. Kolorex Advanced Candida Care has been shown to help the body rid itself of candidiasis and support yeast management.

For best results a wholistic nutritional diet that includes whole foods and plenty of water should be adhered to, along with a lifestyle that moderates sugar and alcohol intake.

Most importantly – do not procrastinate. The sooner you act, the quicker candida will be controlled and good health will be restored.

They deliver the known benefits of Kolorex® Horopito, in an effective oral form:

  • easy to swallow
  • no bad taste
  • improved stability
  • tamper resistant packaging
  • uniform dosage
  • no gluten

Amipro Coenzyme Q10

Amipro Coenzyme Q10

Amipro Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10 50

Master Antioxidant and Cellular Energy Support

Essential for mitochondrial function and energy production.
Levels decline drastically with aging and use of certain medications, such as statins.
Applications for assistance in the following conditions: cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, aging and immune concerns.


– Provides relief from cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, obesity and periodontal disease.

– Stimulates the immune system and slows the aging process.

– ·Cardiovascular disease, angina pectoris, congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy, hyperthyroidism, heart failure, and hypertension have all responded well to supplements of Coenzyme Q10.

– It is also thought that the Coenzyme may help normalize blood sugar levels in diabetics.

Who should use Coezyme Q10?

– For those who require protection from cardiovascular conditions

– For those who require antioxidant and anti-aging protection

1 vegicap contains:
Coenzyme Q10    50 mg

Brain ON Superfood Concentrate 30g

How does BrainON work?

BrainON works specifically on our nervous system, brain function and the quality of our consciousness. It enables us to make a change in perception and increases our sense of well being and joy by relieving stress and increasing awareness.

Key Benefits of Brain On:

– Supports learning functions
– improves memory of the Immune system
– improves immunity on a cellular level
– highly nutritious containing essential fatty acids, and all amino acids
– ancient volcanic mineral content

What is AFA (Aphanizomenon flos-aquae)?

AFA is a nutrient dense, whole, wild blue-green algae superfood that supports overall cellular health. AFA is an excellent source of 65 vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids (EFAs) and rich source of chlorophyll. It also contains antioxidant molecules which have shown to have beneficial effects by reducing oxidative stress. It contains concentrated forms of natural amines to enhance brain function and improve emotional health, with the following noticeable effects:

an elevation in mood and improved behaviour patterns
elevated alertness
alleviated depression

What is PEA (Phenylethylamine)?

PEA known as the love molecule, also found in high levels in Raw Cacao. BrainON contains a concentrated high level of organic PEA. There is up to 20 times more PEA in Brain On than found in Raw Cacao. Raw Cacao & AFA work synergistically so when taken together it is a highly recommended and powerful combination!

PEA acts on the emotional centre of the brain to markedly promote mood balance, mental alertness and increase energy.

PEA has been shown to be at a lower level in those with Attention Deficit Disorder, therefore BrainON provides an extra shot of this PEA to support overall cognitive function. People report increased attention at both school and work.

What is Phycocyanin?
Phycocyanin is a naturally occurring, brilliant blue pigment and stimulates blood production which in turn strengthens the immune system. It is also a potent antioxidant, protecting the body against DNA damage and premature aging.

How do I take BrainON ?
BrainON is best taken in cool to room temperature liquid – do not add to warm or hot liquids as this could impact the nutritional integrity. BrainON can be taken in water – it has a mild, slightly floral flavour. Its very palatable.

The best way to take BrainON is in one of the following synergistic combinations:

BrainON & raw cacao powder (can be added to raw chocolates or smoothies)
BrainON & raw plant fat such as:

cacao butter (add to raw chocolates)
coconut oil (add to raw chocolates)
avocado (add to raw chocolate mousse)

BrainON & chaga (can both be added to raw chocolates and smoothies) for its adaptagenic and immune modulating effect.

Brain On Dosage
Start with a teaspoon powder or 2 capsules. If the effects are noticed with this dose then continue to take BrainON as and when it is required (for example, an hour before a meeting or exam where focus is required). The effects generally last for a good few hours and will slowly fade with time. There are no major high and lows that occur on use of the product. If however no effect is noted, then take the dose daily until you achieve a desired effect. It is interesting to note that the effects are most noticeable in people who experience higher levels of stress. There are no side effects either so increasing the dose until a noticeable effect is achieved will not create any unpleasant reaction.

Children: Dosage should initially start at 1/4 teaspoon or 1 capsule.

Allergens: None

Contra-indications: This product is 100% safe though people diagnosed with Bi-Polar or Schizophrenia should consult with their doctor before using this product as it may cause over-stimulation of the senses.
It is advised, however, to consult your practioner before incorporating BrainON into your daily regiment for the following:
pregnant/nursing mothers
alongside any medication eg anti depressants, anti anxiety, blood thinners

Wild Red Reishi Tincture

Wild Red Reishi Tincture

Wild Red Reishi

We were totally blown away when we realized we had Red Reishi (Ganoderma lucidum) growing wild in our backyard!  What a treat!

A rare find

Wild Red Reishi on our doorstep!

We soon foraged further afield, and although we found a little more, we also found that this mushroom is indeed rare, unlike Turkey Tail (Trametes versicolor) or Ancient Reishi (Ganoderma applanatum), both of which are abundant in comparison.

Also unlike a lot of the other species growing here, Red Reishi is an annual mushroom, growing on hardwood – in our case, Blackwood, or Acacia melanoxylon.  It seems to favor older trees and loves old stumps, helping to break them down and create new life – but we have also found it growing on living trees too.

Wild reishi products are extremely rare as wild harvests are obviously limited – which doesn’t make for highly commercial products.  But we believe the increased potency of wild plants as well as the energies they absorb from growing in a wild natural environment rather than in a grow-room or controlled outdoor area makes this a precious, powerful product of note – this really is Wild African Energy at its best!

Reconnecting with the wild

The joy of finding Reishi that has grown wild rather than been grown in a hothouse is that it has absorbed all of the energies of the forest, of the weather, of the astrological activity – and we believe that that is what makes it so special, because it is these wild energies that we then take into our own bodies when we drink wild Reishi teas or tinctures.  This helps remind us of our wilder, more natural, less “domesticated” state of being and helps bring us closer to it.

Wild plants also have to be tough to survive as their predators are not controlled as they would be in a farming situation.  As a result they are vulnerable to attack and they develop potent chemical defenses against such attacks.  These chemical substances, if beneficial and biologically assimilable in our own bodies, then become “medicines” to us and can have profound health benefits.

Wild soils also tend to be far richer and less demineralized than cultivated soils and this, too, adds to the potency of wild plants.

Immuno-modulating benefits


Reishi will keep the immune system perfectly balanced.

The benefits of Reishi are many and varied.  One of its main benefits is that it is a very potent immune system modulator.  This means that it is capable of balancing the immune system either way – if the immune system is deficient or underactive it will bring it up again; if it is overactive (as in cases of auto-immune disease and allergies) it will regulate it back down.  The ganoderic acids in Reishi help to fight allergies and are also powerful anti-oxidants.

Liver & heart tonic

It is a potent liver tonic and energy booster.  It is used to improve cardiovascular health as it helps to lower LDL or “bad” cholesterol and reduce hardening of the arteries, angina and shortness of breath related to coronaryheart disease.

Stablilises blood sugar

Reishi also stabilises the blood sugar – very beneficial for diabetics/pre-diabetics – and for conditions of fatigue where fluctuating blood sugar levels occur.

Natural cancer protection

Reishi is, of course, also well-known for its anti-cancer properties.  This comes from its stimulatory effect on the body to produce interferon and interleukin-1 and -2 – which are our own bodies’ potent natural anti-cancer substances.  Stimulating our natural protection like this is probably what makes it such a strong protective substance against this disease.  Reishi also reduces angiogenesis – the formation of new blood vessels to tumours.  Reishi has also been shown to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation, whilst at the same time building up the body’s immune system, which gets so damaged by these conventional cancer treatments.

Spiritual benefit


Reishi calms the mind and enables us to step into self-mastery

And last, but certainly far from least, is Reishi’s ability to bring about excellence on an inner, spiritual level.  It is known in Asia as the Mushroom of Spiritual Potency.  It is an incredible anti-stress herb and has been used for its spiritual benefits for thousands of years.  It is known to calm the mind, sharpen focus and concentration, improve memory, ease tension and build willpower, thus over time building great wisdom.  It is these “Shen” qualities that make it such a revered herb in Chinese tonic herbalism.  People who take a lot of Reishi on an ongoing basis will testify to its peace-bringing qualities – it helps people leave behind damaging habits.

The Supreme Protector


Aim HIGH on Reishi!

Reishi is known as the “Supreme Protector” because it protects us on every level – physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally.  When we are so looked after it is then easy for us to soar free and reach greater and greater heights in our lives.

We really can’t speak highly enough of this incredible herb.  Wild Red Reishi is also safe for anyone to take in any quantity – it is totally non-toxic and anything not taken up by the body will be automatically excreted.  It appears to have a cumulative effect in the body so… more IS more!

Dual extraction tinctures

The immuno-modulating effects of Reishi come from its beta-glucans and other beneficial polysaccharides and are extracted via a hot-water extraction.

The adaptogenic qualities of Reishi come from the terpenes it contains and these are extracted via an alcohol extraction process. Adaptogens assist the body in dealing with various types of stress – whether physical, emotional or mental. It is these adaptogenic qualities that make Reishi an effective anti-cancer medicine, liver & heart tonic and blood sugar-stabiliser.

African Forest Medicinals’ Wild Red Reishi Tincture is a dual-extract tincture – i.e. both hot water and alcohol combined – providing the best of both worlds in one single product.

Bottled in Miron

All our tinctures are bottled in superior Miron violet glass to ensure the highest level of protection against degrading UV radiation, thereby ensuring maximum freshness and shelf life.

Metagenics CoQ10 ST 200mg

Metagenics CoQ10 ST 200mg

Metagenics CoQ10 ST 200mg

Highly Absorbable CoQ10 in Concentrated Softgels

CoQ10 ST-200 provides industry-leading, crystal-free CoQ10 in concentrated 200 mg softgels for once-daily dosing. Manufactured to achieve exquisite quality, stability, and bioavailability for reliable use.
Provides a D-limonene (citrus) base—a nonpolar, organic solvent to help maintain CoQ10 structure for easier absorption.
Supplies vitamin E, which may support CoQ10 activity.
Supports overall wellness and healthy aging.
Provides general support for cardiovascular health, energy production, and antioxidant protection.
Adjunct protocol for patients taking a statin medication to prevent CoQ10 deficiency.
Great for patients who prefer softgel delivery.

Ingredient Amount % Daily Value
Serving Size: 1 Softgel
Servings Per Container: 60
Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopherol and mixed tocopherols) 200 IU 667%
Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) 200 mg *

Other Ingredients: D-limonene oil, gelatin, glycerin, medium-chain triglycerides, water, turmeric powder (color), and zinc oxide (color).

Directions: Take one softgel daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

This product is gluten-free.

Caution: If pregnant or nursing, or taking medication, consult your healthcare practitioner before use. Keep out of the reach of children.

Storage: Keep tightly closed in a cool, dry place.

*Daily Value not established.

This product is produced in a facility that produces products containing soy, fish, crustacean shellfish, and tree nuts.


Serving Size: 1 Softgel

Metagenics CoQ10 ST 100mg

Metagenics CoQ10 ST 100mg

Metagenics CoQ10 ST 100mg

Highly Absorbable Coenzyme Q10

CoQ10 ST-100 provides industry-leading, crystal-free CoQ10 that is manufactured to achieve exquisite quality, stability, and bioavailability for reliable use.
Provides a D-limonene (citrus) base—a nonpolar, organic solvent to help maintain CoQ10 structure for easier absorption.
Supplies vitamin E, which may support CoQ10 activity.
Supports overall wellness and healthy aging.
Provides general support for cardiovascular health, energy production, and antioxidant protection.
Adjunct protocol for patients taking a statin medication to prevent CoQ10 deficiency.
Great for patients who prefer softgel delivery.

Serving Size: 1 Softgel

Ingredient Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Serving Size: 1 Softgel
Servings Per Container: 60
Vitamin E (as d-alpha tocopherol and mixed tocopherols) 100 IU 333%
Coenzyme Q10 (ubiquinone) 100 mg *

Other Ingredients: D-limonene oil, gelatin, glycerin, medium-chain triglycerides, water, turmeric powder (color), and zinc oxide (color).

Directions: Take one softgel daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

This product is gluten-free.

Caution: If pregnant or nursing, or taking medication, consult your healthcare practitioner before use. Keep out of the reach of children.

Storage: Keep tightly closed in a cool, dry place.

*Daily Value not established.

This product is produced in a facility that produces products containing soy, dairy, fish, crustacean shellfish, nuts, and tree nuts.


Metagenics Ceriva

Metagenics Ceriva

Metagenics Ceriva

Support for Acetylcholine Function

Ceriva is formulated to support healthy cognitive function in those concerned about maintaining their memory by beneficially modulating acetylcholine

New and Improved

Ceriva® is formulated to support healthy brain aging,cognition , and memory by beneficially modulating themetabolism of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and providing neuroprotection. This advanced formula features clinically effective levels of huperzine A (HUPA) and a proprietary proline-rich-polypeptide (PRP) complex known as Colostrinin™ for multidimensional support for neurological health. Research suggests that HUPA may be able to cross the blood-brain barrier to beneficially influence acetylcholine metabolism and provide antioxidant protection. In addition, laboratory studies with the PRP complex have demonstrated antioxidant and DNA protective properties, suggesting it may have beneficial effects on brain aging.

Metagenics Ceriva

Serving Size: 1 Tablet

Ingredients Amount Per Serving % Daily Value
Serving Size 1 Tablet
Servings Per Container 30
Huperzine A [from toothed clubmoss (Huperzia serrata) whole plant extract] 200 mcg *
Polypeptide Complex (from colostrum) 100 mcg *

Other Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, croscarmellose sodium, stearic acid (vegetable), and silica. Contains: Milk.

Directions: Take one tablet once daily with food or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

Metagenics Ceriva

This product is non-GMO and gluten-free.

Warning: Do not use if pregnant or nursing.

Caution: For adult use only. Avoid use if taking acetylcholinesterase inhibitors or cholinergic medications, or if you have a seizure disorder, cardiac arrhythmia, benign prostatic hypertrophy, asthma, chronic respiratory condition, peptic ulcer, inflammatory bowel disease, or malabsorption syndrome. If you have suppressed immune function or are taking medication, including blood thinning medications and immunomodulators, consult your healthcare practitioner before use. Rare but mild and temporary anxiety, mood change, sleep disturbance, dizziness, or fatigue may be experienced. Do not exceed two tablets daily. Use with caution when driving or operating machinery. Keep out of the reach of children.

Storage: Keep in a cool, dry place.

*Daily Value not established.


Metagenics GlutaClear

Metagenics GlutaClear

Metagenics GlutaClear 120 tablets

Advanced Glutathione Support

GlutaClear™ provides a blend of key ingredients designed to help boost the body’s production of glutathione, a primary antioxidant throughout the entire body. Glutathione plays an important role in protecting the body against oxidative stress and detoxifying harmful compounds. Preliminary research suggests glutathione may also help protect mitochondria—the principle source of cellular energy—from damaging pro-oxidant influences.

Serving Size: 2 Tablets


Label & Supplement Facts

Ingredient: Amount Per Serving: % Daily Value:
Serving Size: 2 Tablets
Servings Per Container 60
Vitamin C (as ascorbic acid) 500 mg 833%
Niacin (as niacinamide) 750 mg 3,750%
Selenium (as selenomethionine) 75 mcg 107%
N-Acetylcysteine 750 mg *
Broccoli (Brassica oleracea L.var. italica) Seed Extract (providing 5 mg glucoraphanin) 38.5 mg *

Other Ingredients: Microcrystalline cellulose, cellulose, stearic acid (vegetable), silica, and coating (hypromellose, medium chain triglycerides, and hydroxypropylcellulose).

Directions: Take two tablets twice daily with food or as directed by your healthcare practitioner.

Caution: If you are pregnant or nursing, consult your healthcare practitioner before use.

Storage: Keep tightly closed in a cool, dry place.

This product is non-GMO and gluten-free.

*Daily Value not established.