


A Potent Male Sexual Tonic

Designed to bring about balance to male sexual function including; fertility, low sperm count and quality, libido and impotence, male pattern baldness or hair loss, as well as, increases energy and stamina.




In western medicine the kidneys are mainly seen as the organs responsible for water regulation and toxic release through the process of urination. Whereas, in Chinese medicine, the kidneys are viewed as very important organs that not only regulates the urinary system but also exercises control over the reproductive, endocrine and nervous systems. “Qi” or energy found in the kidneys governs the  functioning of the above three organ systems. In the uterus it is the qi or life force from the kidneys that stimulates the growth, development and maturation of the reproductive organs. Therefore, by working on the kidneys, it stimulates the reproductive organs to function optimally. Kidney qi and vitality decreases due to bad lifestyle, eating habits or excess indulgence and due to the natural effect of aging and can only be brought back into balance by using certain herbal combinations.


ENERFUL has been designed to bring about this balance by targeting mainly the kidneys, therefore stimulating both sexual and reproductive health back to optimal levels again. This form of treatment has been designed to bring about balance to all organs involved that are connected to the male reproductive system.


Chinese doctors believe that by heating herbs to a boiling point, releases the healing properties of the herbs therefore making them much stronger or more effective medicinally. Although ENERFUL is sold in tea bags, it contains no tea leaves, only herbs to bring about balance to the body.


Instructions for usage:


Pour 400ml of boiling water into a cup or glass over one tea bag and let it brew for 5 min. For the first three days, have one tea bag in the morning and one in the evening (an hour before bedtime), thereafter; have one tea bag in the morning only.

Instructions for usage:

Refrain from sexual intercourse for the first week of using this product.

Make sure you get enough sleep (6 – 8 hours per night).

Drink 2 litres of water daily. Sip water slowly throughout the day.


Solal Prostate Protection Formula

Solal Prostate Protection Formula

Solal Prostate Protection Formula

Solal Prostate Protection Formula™ contains plant-based ingredients that support prostate health and relieve urinary symptoms. I3C, DIM and curcumin extracts support the detoxification pathways of the liver, beta-sitosterol improves urinary symptoms and lycopene and selenium have protective antioxidant effects.

Product Indications

Solal Prostate Protection Formula™ contains plant-based ingredients that support prostate health and relieve urinary symptoms. I3C, DIM and curcumin extracts support the detoxification pathways of the liver important in removing harmful metabolites. Beta-sitosterol supports urinary flow and frequency of urination and may protect against the harmful effects of excessive inflammation. Higher levels of lycopene and selenium have been positively associated with prostate health. With added piperine for enhanced absorption.

Product Composition

Each daily dose (2 capsules) contains the following as active ingredients:

I3C (Indole-3-Carbinol cruciferous vegetable extract) 50mg
DIM (Di-Indole-Methane cruciferous extract) 50mg
Curcumin extract (std to 95% curcuminoids) 200mg
Beta-sitosterol 62mg
Lycopene 5mg
Selenium (SeSMC form) 50µg
Piperine (for enhanced absorption) 5mg

Sugar free.

Storage Instructions

Store in a cool dry place below 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Dosage Directions

For prostate protection and healthy prostate function, all men over 40 years of age should take 2 capsules daily. As part of treatment of a diagnosed prostate condition, two capsules twice daily can be used. Take with or shortly after meals.


A Vogel Multiforce Alkaline Powder 225g

A Vogel Multiforce Alkaline 225g

A Vogel Multiforce Alkaline Powder 225g

A multimineral supplement that helps support the body’s pH regulating mechanisms.

Benefits and features

  • Proven to increase urinary pH which means there is less acidity in the body
  • Magnesium Hydrogenium phosphate acts as a digestive antacid
  • Calcium citrate has phosphate-binding properties which results in alkalinity
  • Magnesium citrate has a bowel cleansing effect
  • Potassium Bicarbonate has blood alkalinising properties and acts on metabolic acidosis
  • Magnesium citrate has a bowel cleansing effect
  • Potassium citrate has a diuretic and alkalinising effect on the urine by combining with calcium and acid in the kidneys (this also helps prevent the formation of kidney stones)
  • Dicalciumphosphate 2-Hydrate is an easily absorbed calcium which helps controls acidity while building bones and helping prevent bone loss, and as an aid to reducing blood pressure and cardiac ailments
  • Acerola extract has antioxidant properties

Many foods and drinks, especially meat, dairy products, sugar, coffee and alcohol are acid forming. Without adequate alkaline minerals, which are necessary to offset increases in acidity, your body struggles to maintain its internal acid/alkaline levels

This impacts your general health and energy levels, leading to many common health niggles such as heartburn, headaches and gout. Multiforce Alkaline Powder contains readily absorbable forms of calcium, magnesium and potassium. These minerals support the organs involved in maintaining and correcting the acid/alkaline balances in the body.

The typical Western-type diet, deficient in fruits and vegetables and containing large quantities of sugar, animal and dairy products, generates acid-forming chemicals in the body.

While the body has its own pH buffering systems to counteract a high dietary acid load, over time this diet may leave the body struggling to maintain the correct pH balances throughout.

Long-term high dietary acid load is associated with increased risk for numerous lifestyle-related diseases, including osteoporosis.

Multiforce® Alkaline Powder is a multi-mineral dietary supplement that is proven to increase urinary pH. An increase in urinary pH is associated with a more alkaline body pH meaning there is less acidity in the body. The maintenance of optimal mineral and acid-base balance is linked to an increase in general wellbeing. As with most things in life, good health is also about finding the right balance.


Multiforce® Alkaline Powder can be used daily as part of a health management programme by adults and children over the age of 6 years.

Adults: Add a heaped teaspoon or medicine measure (7.5g) or the contents of one 7,5g sachet of the powder to a large glass of water, stir well and drink once a day on an empty stomach.

Children 6-12 years:  Half a medicine-measure daily.

Dosage may be increased by adults to 15g (two heaped teaspoons) per day if needed.


A Vogel Multiforce Alkaline Powder 105g

Feel Healthy Multiforce® Alkaline Powder

Multiforce® Alkaline Powder

A multimineral supplement that helps support the body’s pH regulating mechanisms.

Benefits and features

  • Proven to increase urinary pH which means there is less acidity in the body
  • Magnesium Hydrogenium phosphate acts as a digestive antacid
  • Calcium citrate has phosphate-binding properties which results in alkalinity
  • Magnesium citrate has a bowel cleansing effect
  • Potassium Bicarbonate has blood alkalinising properties and acts on metabolic acidosis
  • Magnesium citrate has a bowel cleansing effect
  • Potassium citrate has a diuretic and alkalinising effect on the urine by combining with calcium and acid in the kidneys (this also helps prevent the formation of kidney stones)
  • Dicalciumphosphate 2-Hydrate is an easily absorbed calcium which helps controls acidity while building bones and helping prevent bone loss, and as an aid to reducing blood pressure and cardiac ailments
  • Acerola extract has antioxidant properties

Many foods and drinks, especially meat, dairy products, sugar, coffee and alcohol are acid forming. Without adequate alkaline minerals, which are necessary to offset increases in acidity, your body struggles to maintain its internal acid/alkaline levels

This impacts your general health and energy levels, leading to many common health niggles such as heartburn, headaches and gout. Multiforce Alkaline Powder contains readily absorbable forms of calcium, magnesium and potassium. These minerals support the organs involved in maintaining and correcting the acid/alkaline balances in the body.

The typical Western-type diet, deficient in fruits and vegetables and containing large quantities of sugar, animal and dairy products, generates acid-forming chemicals in the body.

While the body has its own pH buffering systems to counteract a high dietary acid load, over time this diet may leave the body struggling to maintain the correct pH balances throughout.

Long-term high dietary acid load is associated with increased risk for numerous lifestyle-related diseases, including osteoporosis.

Multiforce® Alkaline Powder is a multi-mineral dietary supplement that is proven to increase urinary pH. An increase in urinary pH is associated with a more alkaline body pH meaning there is less acidity in the body. The maintenance of optimal mineral and acid-base balance is linked to an increase in general wellbeing. As with most things in life, good health is also about finding the right balance.


Multiforce® Alkaline Powder can be used daily as part of a health management programme by adults and children over the age of 6 years.

Adults: Add a heaped teaspoon or medicine measure (7.5g) or the contents of one 7,5g sachet of the powder to a large glass of water, stir well and drink once a day on an empty stomach.

Children 6-12 years:  Half a medicine-measure daily.

Dosage may be increased by adults to 15g (two heaped teaspoons) per day if needed.


A Vogel Nephrosolid 50ml

Feel healthy A Vogel Nephrosolid

A Vogel Nephrosolid 50ml

Kidney tonic to detox and support liver function

Fresh herb tincture from organically grown and wild-harvested herbs.

Alfred Vogel gave a lot of attention to the liver, gallbladder, kidneys and bladder because of their extreme importance in maintaining general health, and developed two excellent herb tonics for these organs, one of which was Nephrosolid.  He always treated the liver and the kidneys simultaneously because their filter systems are so closely related. Most of his patients used these tonics until he was sure that they were on their way to good health.

Nephrosolid is a combination of four herbs which work synergistically in the body. Apart from Solidago (Solidago virgaurea) the herbs present in this fresh herb tincture are Birch (Betula pendula), Restharrow (Ononis spinosa) and Horsetail (Equisetum arvense).

Benefits and features of A.Vogel Nephrosolid:

Fresh herb tincture

Made with organically grown or wild-harvested herbs

100% natural

Botanical food supplement

Solidago virguarea, also known as Golden Rod, is a herbaceous plant found in temperate countries, often in the natural flora of grassy mountainous areas. The name Solidago means ‘to make whole’. In 15th and 16th Century Europe it was used topically for wound healing but in modern times the main use of Solidago is to help maintain the health of the urinary tract. Golden Rod is the main ingredient in Nephrosolid and has an antiseptic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect on the urinary tract. It is very efficient for bladder problems, with the potential to prevent kidney stones and even assist in excreting existing ones.

The Birch tree (Betula pendula) is known as ‘The Tree of Life’. It grows well in temperate and Nordic climates and its leaves have been used in herbal supplement combinations to aid detox by supporting the body’s natural elimination of toxins and impurites. One of the lesser ingredients in this combination is Restharrow (Ononis spinosa). It is a commonly found in almost all parts of Europe, West Africa and Asia and has been used traditionally to support bladder health. Horsetail (Equisetum arvense) is another minor but important ingredient in Solidago complex. The plant is said to resemble a horse’s tail and it grows almost everywhere. Although poisonous to grazing animals when eaten in large quantities it has been used by people from as long ago as the Ancient Romans in the form of a tea.


Viridian Ester C 950mg 30 caps

Viridian Ester C 950mg 30 caps

Viridian Ester C 950mg 30 caps

Vegan, Kosher, Veg Caps

Highly effective, highly absorbable patented form of vitamin C. Ester-C is a neutral pH presentation of vitamin C, where the vitamin C is buffered to make it gentler on the stomach particularly where larger amounts are consumed. Ester-C is absorbed faster and retained for longer than regular vitamin C.

High potency presentation of this highly absorbable vitamin C.

INGREDIENTS: one vegetarian capsule provides:

Ester-C 950mg

providing: ascorbic acid 750mg/calcium 85.5mg / threonic acid 9.5mg








One negative side–effect of continued large doses of usual forms of vitamin C is gastrointestinal discomfort and diarrhoea. These effects are due in large part to the acidity of ascorbic acid itself. As a mineral ascorbate, Ester-C circumvents many of these problems because it has a neutral pH. At the same time, this new process introduces an important metabolite of vitamin C so it is present along with ascorbate when the supplement is taken.


Potential applications

Histamine hyper-responsiveness in respiratory tract infections, allergic disorders, bronchial asthma, and ulcerative colitis. Common cold, the elderly, convalescence, high alcohol intake, stress, smokers (each cigarette destroys approximately 25mg of vitamin C), those exposed to excessive pollution, athletes, osteoporosis, wound healing, skin ulcers, pressure sores. Vitamin C has been found to be effective in treating male infertility.


Known contraindications

Vitamin C is extremely safe in most individuals. Claims that high-dose vitamin C regimens may lead to rebound scurvy, erythrocyte haemolysis, and vitamin B12 deficiency do not withstand scientific scrutiny.

Vitamin C supplementation may have adverse effects in thalassemia major, an iron-overload disorder.

High dose vitamin C regimens may increase urinary excretion of oxalic and uric acid although epidemiological investigations do not support an association between vitamin C supplementation and kidney stones.

Nausea, diarrhoea, and abdominal cramping are observed in a small percentage of subjects consuming over 3g vitamin C per day.



Some medicines can be affected by vitamin C. Women on the contraceptive mini-pill should not take excessively large doses of vitamin C at the same time of day as this may reduce the pill’s effectiveness.

Upper safe level: 2000mg (long term usage); 3000mg (short term usage).

Vitamin C has been consumed in doses exceeding the European RDA (60mg per day) for many years without evidence of harm.

Non-heme (vegetarian) iron absorption from a single meal is enhanced 2-3 fold in the presence of 25mg- 75mg vitamin C. Vitamin C potentiates vitamin E activity in cells by regenerating alpha-tocopherol from its oxidised derivative. Vitamin C has also been shown to raise glutathione concentrations by 50 per cent with 500mg of vitamin C per day.


Useful links

Common cold – Echinacea or Astragalus, multi-phytonutrient complex, zinc complex.

Cardiovascular protection – vitamin E, CoQ10, flax seed oil, hawthorn berry, multi-phytonutrient complex.


Note: during times of chemical, emotional, psychological, or physiological stress, vitamin C is excreted at a significantly increased rate. Thus a higher intake of vitamin C is required for immune protection when the body is under stress.


Viridian Ester C 550mg 30 caps

Feel Healthy Viridian ester c 550mg

Viridian Ester C 550mg

Vegan, Kosher, Veg Caps

Highly effective, highly absorbable patented form of vitamin C. Ester-C is a neutral pH presentation of vitamin C, where the vitamin C is buffered to make it gentler on the stomach particularly where larger amounts are consumed. Ester-C is absorbed faster and retained for longer than regular vitamin C

Ester-C 550mg Veg Caps

INGREDIENTS: one vegetarian capsule provides:

Ester-C 550mg

providing:ascorbic acid 434mg / calcium 53mg / threonic acid 5mg

In a base of alfalfa, spirulina & bilberry.








One negative side–effect of continued large doses of usual forms of vitamin C is gastrointestinal discomfort and diarrhoea. These effects are due in large part to the acidity of ascorbic acid itself. As a mineral ascorbate, Ester-C circumvents many of these problems because it has a neutral pH. At the same time, this new process introduces an important metabolite of vitamin C so it is present along with ascorbate when the supplement is taken.


Potential applications

Histamine hyper-responsiveness in respiratory tract infections, allergic disorders, bronchial asthma, and ulcerative colitis. Common cold, the elderly, convalescence, high alcohol intake, stress, smokers (each cigarette destroys approximately 25mg of vitamin C), those exposed to excessive pollution, athletes, osteoporosis, wound healing, skin ulcers, pressure sores. Vitamin C has been found to be effective in treating male infertility.


Known contraindications

Vitamin C is extremely safe in most individuals. Claims that high-dose vitamin C regimens may lead to rebound scurvy, erythrocyte haemolysis, and vitamin B12 deficiency do not withstand scientific scrutiny.

Vitamin C supplementation may have adverse effects in thalassemia major, an iron-overload disorder.

High dose vitamin C regimens may increase urinary excretion of oxalic and uric acid although epidemiological investigations do not support an association between vitamin C supplementation and kidney stones.

Nausea, diarrhoea, and abdominal cramping are observed in a small percentage of subjects consuming over 3g vitamin C per day.



Some medicines can be affected by vitamin C. Women on the contraceptive mini-pill should not take excessively large doses of vitamin C at the same time of day as this may reduce the pill’s effectiveness.

Upper safe level: 2000mg (long term usage); 3000mg (short term usage).

Vitamin C has been consumed in doses exceeding the European RDA (60mg per day) for many years without evidence of harm.

Non-heme (vegetarian) iron absorption from a single meal is enhanced 2-3 fold in the presence of 25mg- 75mg vitamin C. Vitamin C potentiates vitamin E activity in cells by regenerating alpha-tocopherol from its oxidised derivative. Vitamin C has also been shown to raise glutathione concentrations by 50 per cent with 500mg of vitamin C per day.


Useful links

Common cold – Echinacea or Astragalus, multi-phytonutrient complex, zinc complex.

Cardiovascular protection – vitamin E, CoQ10, flax seed oil, hawthorn berry, multi-phytonutrient complex.


Note: during times of chemical, emotional, psychological, or physiological stress, vitamin C is excreted at a significantly increased rate. Thus a higher intake of vitamin C is required for immune protection when the body is under stress.


Slim Rose Herbal Tea

Slim Rose Herbal Tea

Slim Rose Herbal Tea

SLIMROSE has been found to be beneficial in increasing one’s metabolism, thus being of assistance in a weight loss program.  Dieting and poor eating habits can contribute to nutritional imbalance and anemia and SLIMROSE, by helping to normalize the systemic circulation, assists one in achieving optimum health.  Not only is SLIM ROSE beneficial in helping towards weight reduction, but it has been found to assist in the prevention of obesity and obesity related illnesses.

Rugosa Rose
In the 1st century CE, Pliny the Elder recorded thirty-two different medicinal uses of the rose. Roses were grown in medieval gardens more for medicine and food than for beauty. Ironically, the Cherokee rose is native to China, but now grows throughout much of North America and is the state flower of Georgia. It was used in China to treat diarrhea. In the 19th century, it was proven that roses contain essential oils. Rose oil is distilled from the petals and used in aromatherapy. With the discovery of vitamin C in the 1930s, and subsequent claims by Linus Pauling that massive doses of the nutrient could cure the common cold, rosehips have been of much interest because of their high content of this nutrient.

Unlike Western medicine, all indigenous cultures believe that there is no separation between the physical and the mental or spiritual being, and both must be assessed before healing occurs. The same belief has long been held true regarding the rose and is seen in this saying, “Roses are good for the skin and the soul”.
The botanical name of the Wild Rose is reflected in its use by the Romans. R. canina species was used for rabid dog bites. Roses continued as official medicine until well into the 1930s (British Pharmacopoeia) when the tincture of the Apothocary’s Rose was prescribed for sore throats. Roses were also widely used as mild astringents and to flavour other medicines.

There were dozens of varieties of roses in North America. The Native Americans learned how to use whatever grew in their region, as a medicine and, in cases of emergency, as a food. The leaves, petals, hips, and roots were widely used for a variety of conditions, including colds, fevers, diarrhea, influenza, and stomach troubles. The Omahas steeped the hips or roots to make a wash to treat eye inflammations. In the Great Lakes region, the Chippewas made a tea from the wild rose and used the berries for food and for diseases of the eye. They used the inner bark of the roots to treat cataracts.

The Pawnees collected the insect galls from the lower parts of the stems, and charred and crushed them for use in dressings for burns. The insect or disease-produced galls were found in the archaeological remains of the Hill Site, near present-day Guide Rock, Nebraska, which was occupied by the Pawnees in the early 1800s.

The Flathead and Cheyenne tribes treated snow blindness with an eyewash made by boiling the petals, stem bark, or root bark. The Cheyenne also boiled the inner bark to make a tea valued for treating diarrhea and stomach trouble.

Many other tribes used all parts of the plant for various remedies. The Crows boiled the crushed roots and used them in hot compresses to reduce swellings. They also sniffed vapor to stop bleeding’s from the nose or mouth.

The Arapahos used the seeds to produce a drawing effect for muscular pain.

Hawthorn Fruit (shan zha):
Hawthorn Fruit is an herb that is actually a genus of the rose family. It can be found in North America, Europe, and East Asia. There are so many – more than a hundred, in fact – species of the Hawthorn Fruit, and they can be used for a variety of medical conditions

If closely related plants are used by cultures on opposite sides of the globe, a scientific basis for the traditional use is likely. Such is the case with hawthorns, which have been used in European, Chinese, and American traditions alike to treat heart ailments. In traditional Asian medicine as well as European herbal traditions, hawthorn has been widely used in longterm prescriptions for hypertension related to cardiac weakness, arteriosclerosis, and angina pectoris.

Hawthorn is notably absent from medical works and herbals of early-nineteenth-century America and Europe. It came to the attention of the medical profession in the 1890s by means of a single reference in a medical journal. By the early twentieth century, it was a mainstay of heart disease treatment. Still widely used in Europe and Asia, it is less frequently recommended in America.

Fructus Mume:
Medicinal use in TCM: In traditional Chinese medicine, the smoked fruits, called wumei, is used for medicinal purposes.

Chronic diarrhea and dysentery

It is a common used herb for chronic diarrhea and dysentery, because it enters large intestine meridian and astringes intestines to check diarrhea and dysentery. It could be decocted singly or combined with other intestines-astringing herbs to enhance the action of checking diarrhea or dysentery. This herb is sour and astringent in nature without astringing pathogen. For diarrhea and dysentery of damp-heat type, bloody purulent stool, it is combined with heat-clearing and damp-drying herbs.

Although generally regarded as a weed, dandelions have many uses, both culinary and medicinal.
Taraxacum officinale has diuretic and laxative properties. It has been used as a tonic, to treat rheumatic problems, and as a blood purifier. Young leaves and inflorescences are used as ingredients in salads and stir-fries.
Blanched hearts (obtained by earthing up or tying the leaves together) are also eaten. The flower heads are used to make dandelion wine, while the bitter root can be dried to make a substitute for coffee, a practice that was common during the rationing of the Second World War.

Poria Cocos:
Poria cocos may be called Poria, Tuckahoe, Indian bread or Fu-Ling in Chinese, is a sweet, bland and neutral herb. This medicinal fungus has been widely used and highly respected in Asia. In the wild, Poria cocos grows much like the European truffle, only it grows around the roots of certain pine trees instead of oaks. In traditional Chinese medicine, it is claimed to soothe the heart, disperse moisture and stagnation, strengthen vital energy, and assuage agitation; treat abdominal distension, edema, difficult urination, diabetes and diarrhea; enhance, protect, and restore liver function; modulate the immune system, balance blood sugar, and boost fat metabolism; have a whitening effect of skin, and reduce the appearance of pores and blackheads.

Rhizoma Imperatae:
The herb is sweet in flavor, cold in nature, and acts on the heart, lung, stomach and urinary bladder channels. Being sweet and cold for clearing heat and moistening dryness, and acting on blood in the heart channel, the herb can clear heat from blood to stop bleeding; acting on Qi in the lung and stomach, the herb can clear heat from the lung and stomach to promote the generation of the body fluid and moisten dryness. As a sweet and tasteless herb, it can induce diuresis to treat stranguria. Therefore, the herb is indicated for bleeding due to blood-heat, dryness-heat in the lung and stomach, strangury due to heat, and difficulty and pain in urination.


Clearing heat from blood to stop bleeding, inducing diuresis and promoting the generation of the body fluid.

Tonifies pi (spleen), enhances qi, clears heat, rids of toxins, expels phlegm and stops cough, stops pain, synergizes other herbs. Being used in spleen and stomach weakness, tired and lack of strength, palpitation and short of breath, cough with abundance of phlegm, stomach and solar plexus pain.

  1. adrenocortical hormone function:  As early as 1946 gan cao extract showed the characteristics of mineralcorticoid.    Glycyrrhiza is metabolically converted to glycyrrhetic acid (GA). GA, when incubated in-vitro with adrenal gland cells increases DHEA production.
  2. effects on digestivesystem:   (a).antiulcer   (b).anti convulsion.  (c). promotes secretion of insulin.  (d). protects liver from toxin.
  3. anti inflammation
  4. anti allergy
  5. anti cancer:  Saponins stimulate the immune system and inhibit Epstein-Barr virus expression and possess in-vitro (in the test tube) anti-cancer activities. Epstein_Barr virus is associated in certain cancer development. Glycyrrhiza also contains quercetin that has anticancer effects. Glycyrrhiza lowers serum testosterone levels and correspondingly increases estrogen levels by inducing two enzymes called 17-ß-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and aromatase thus inhibit prostate cancer cells.
  6. antivirus and bacteria:   a. anti HIV, anti HBV   b. anti amoeba and bacteria
  7. effect on blood vessels:   a. lower blood lipids.  Both saponins and licoflavones are known to bind to cholesterol and bile acids and have surfactant properties.
  8. Licorice is beneficial in chronic viral hepatitis
  9. Licorice was effective in inhibiting Pseudomona Aeruginosa where antibiotic failed.


  • l  large dosage can lower blood pressure, vaso-dilation
  • l  small dosage can increase blood pressure
  • l   prolonging diuretic effect
  • l   lessening proteinuria
  • l   improving endurance
  • l   protecting liver function
  • l   regulate blood sugar

Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae:
Properties: The herb is pungent and bitter in flavour, warm in nature, acting on the spleen and lung channels. Being pungent for promoting circulation of Qi, bitter and warm for eliminating dampness, and aromatic for enlivening the spleen, the herb has mild effects of eliminating Qi stagnation in the spleen and stomach and phlegm-dampness in the spleen and lung. It is often used to treat Qi stagnation, distention and fullness in the spleen and stomach, retention and stagnation of dampness in the middle Jiao, cough and asthma due to excessive phlegm in the lung channel, and other syndromes.

Is often used combination with aucklandia root, amomum fruit, nutgrass flatsedge rhizome and other herbs for promoting circulation of Qi and normalizing function of the stomach, to treat gastro-abdominal distention, anorexia, vomiting and diarrhea caused by Qi stagnation in the spleen and stomach; with hawthorn fruit, medicated leaven, unripen bitter orange and other herbs for eliminating stagnated food, to treat dyspepsia, Qi stagnation, distention, acid regurgitation and indigestion; and with dangshen, white atractylodes rhizome and other herbs for strengthening the spleen and supplementing Qi, to treat abdominal distention, anorexia and loose stool due to spleen deficiency.

Effects: Promoting circulation of Qi, strengthening the spleen, eliminating dampness and relieving phlegm.

Hibiscus Sabdariffa:
It is also referred to as rosella (another common name for the hibiscus flower), jamaica in Latin America, karkady in the Middle East, bissap in West Africa, red sorrel in the Caribbean, and other names in other regions. Hibiscus has a tart, cranberry-like flavor, and sugar is often added to sweeten the beverage. The Hibiscus contains vitamin C and minerals and is used traditionally as a mild medicine.

Hibiscus contains 15-30% organic acids, including citric acid, maleic acid, and tartaric acid. It also contains acidic polysaccharides and flavonoid glycosides, such as cyanidin and delphinidin, that give it its characteristic deep red colour.
(source: wikipedia.org)

Medicinal Uses:
In India, Africa and Mexico, all above-ground parts of the roselle plant are valued in native medicine. Infusions of the leaves or calyces are regarded as diuretic, cholerectic, febrifugal and hypotensive, decreasing the viscosity of the blood and stimulating intestinal peristalsis. Pharmacognosists in Senegal recommend roselle extract for lowering blood pressure. In 1962, Sharaf confirmed the hypotensive activity of the calyces and found them antispasmodic, anthelmintic and antibacterial as well. In 1964, the aqueous extract was found effective against Ascaris gallinarum in poultry. Three years later, Sharaf and co-workers showed that both the aqueous extract and the coloring matter of the calyces are lethal to Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In experiments with domestic fowl, roselle extract decreased the rate of absorption of alcohol and so lessened its effect on the system. In Guatemala, roselle “ade” is a favorite remedy for the aftereffects of drunkenness.

In East Africa, the calyx infusion, called “Sudan tea”, is taken to relieve coughs. Roselle juice, with salt, pepper, asafetida and molasses, is taken as a remedy for biliousness.
(source: hort.purdue.edu)

Several studies have shown hibiscus tea to be beneficial in lowering blood pressure and maycontrol cholesterol. Hibiscus contains an enzyme inhibitor which blocks the production of amylase. Amylase is an enzyme that breaks down complex sugars and starches. Drinking a cup of hibiscus tea after meals will reduce the absorption of dietary carbohydrates and will assist in weight loss. Hibiscus is rich in vitamin C and makes a wonderful herbal remedy to fight off colds and infections by strengthening the immune system. Other benefits of Hibiscus include preventing bladder infections and constipation if taken regularly.

Cassia (legume) , a tree/shrub genus in the bean family (Fabaceae)
Modern pharmacological studies confirmed that complementary medicine Cassia of various eye diseases prevention and control, hypertension, high blood lipid (fat) and constipation, the effect significantly.

  1. The Liver eyesight is suitable for the role of various eye diseases, such as the liver caused by red eyes and red hot on the swelling and pain, the shame out more tears, blurred vision, and glaucoma, cataract, conjunctivitis, because of its role in the protection of optic nerve of modern television family, computer users could easily cause eye fatigue and other people have benefit.
  2. Suitable for its laxative effect in patients with constipation. Constipation results in the walls of the remaining intestinal absorption of toxins, chronic constipation, easy to make human aging, but also colon cancer, hemorrhoids and other diseases of the incentives, or cardiovascular disease causes sudden, one of the product so that defecation rather than thin , and no abdominal pain and discomfort of the disease, patients with chronic constipation, uniforms to no abuse.
  3. The lipid lowering blood pressure is suitable for hyperlipidemia, obesity, hypertension, coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases.

Folium Nelumbinis


  • l  Immunomodulatory potential
  • l  Acute and Chronic Restraint Stress
  • l  Chronic hepatotoxicity
  • l  Insulin secretion and blood glucose levels
  • l  Anti-obesity effect:

In the investigation of determination of the pharmacological mechanism of the anti-obesity effect of Nelumbo nucifera leaves extract (NNE) and the effect of NNE on digestive enzyme activity, lipid metabolism and theromogenesis and anti-obesity using high-fat diet-induced obesity in mice, indicated that NNE prevented the increase in body weight, parametrial adipose tissue weight and liver triacylglycerol levels in mice with obesity induced by a high-fat diet. UCP3 mRNA expression in skeletal muscle tended to be higher, when mice were administrated by NNE and were exercised. Therefore, NNE impaired digestion, inhibited absorption of lipids and carbohydrates, accelerated lipid metabolism and up-regulated energy expenditure. Consequently, NNE is beneficial for the suppression of obesity, according to “Anti-obesity effect of Nelumbo nucifera leaves extract in mice and rats” by Ono Y, Hattori E, Fukaya Y, Imai S, Ohizumi Y.(5)

l  Cell proliferation and neuroblast differentiation

Leonurus cardiac:
Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) is a herbaceous perennial plant in the mint family, Lamiaceae. Other common names include Throw-wort, Lion’s Ear, and Lion’s Tail. Lion’s Tail also being a common name for Leonotis leonurus, and Lion’s Ear, a common name for Leonotis nepetifolia. Originally fromCentral Asia it is now found worldwide, spread largely due to its use as a herbal remedy.

Motherwort is primarily an herb of the heart. Several species have sedative effects, decreasing muscle spasms and temporarily lowering blood pressure. Chinese studies found that extracts decrease clotting and the level of fat in the blood and can slow heart palpatations and rapid heartbeat. Another of motherwort’s uses is to improve fertility and reduce anxiety associated with childbirth, postpartum depression, and menopause. If used in early labor it will ease labor pains and calms the nerves after childbirth. Take motherwort only once soon after giving birth as consistent use before the uterus has clamped down may cause bleeding to continue. Use one to two times a day in the weeks following birth for easing tension and supporting a woman through the feelings that come with new mothering. Do not use during pregnancy. Motherwort helps bring on a delayed or suppressed menstrual flow, especially when someone is anxious and tense. Chinese women often use it combined with dong quai as a menstrual regulator. Avoid using for menstrual cramps when bleeding is heavy. It strengthens and relaxes the uterine muscles and eases uterine cramping. It also reduces fevers, and is especially suggested for illnesses associated with nervousness or delirium. Motherwort was formerly used to treat rheumatism and lung problems, like bronchitis and asthma. Motherwort may help an overactive thyroid but does not depress normal thyroid function. Tincture the leaves and flowers as soon as you pick them. If you prefer to dry them, lay the leaves and stalks onto screens. Motherwort tea has a very bitter taste. Chinese medicine uses the seeds to aid in urination; cool the body system; treat excessive menstrual flow, absence of menstruation.

Folium Sennae:
Constipation caused by dryness of intestine, stagnation of undigested food, ascites with fullness and distention.

Traditionally, senna was used as a laxative and was considered a “cleansing” herb because of its cathartic properties. More modern studies have found that senna is useful in treating constipation, whether it is caused by pharmaceuticals or natural means. It may also be used to treat skin conditions such as ringworm and acne.

Senna is an FDA-approved nonprescription laxative. It is used to treat constipationand also to clear the bowel before diagnostic tests such as colonoscopy.

Senna is also used for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), hemorrhoids, and weight loss.

Senna fruit seems to be gentler than senna leaf. This has led the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) to warn against long-term use of senna leaf, but not senna fruit. The AHPA recommends that senna leaf products be labeled, “Do not use this product if you have abdominal pain or diarrhea. Consult a healthcare provider prior to use if you are pregnant or nursing. Discontinue use in the event of diarrhea or watery stools. Do not exceed recommended dose. Not for long-term use.”

Medford Urina Script

Feel Healthy Medford Urina Script



Medford Urina Script

This urinary tract support formula assists in preventing and treating bladder and kidney infections while acting as a natural diuretic – May be beneficial for Candida management.

UrinaScript is a one-of-a-kind formula combining five key ingredients to assist in both the prevention and the rapid, effective treatment of acute cystitis (treatment urinary tract infection), AND candida infections. These natural ingredients have scientifically proven pain relieving, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antimicrobial activities.


• Acute cystitis.
• Urinary urgency, frequency, pain and burning.
• Chronic urinary tract infections.
• To lessen antibiotic dependence in chronic bladder infections.
• Candida infections.
• Natural diuretic.
• Kidney support.

Mode of Action
Cranberry Extract (Vaccinium macrocarpon) helps to prevent and control urinary tract infections due to its proanthocyanidin content, which prevents the adherence of detrimental bacteria such as Eschericia coli (E-coli) to the epithelial cells inside the bladder, allowing them to be easily flushed out with urine before they multiply.

Uva Ursi (Arctostaphylos uva-ursi) is useful for the prevention and control of urinary tract infections. The arbutin content of Uva Ursi hydrolyzes within the body to form hydroquinone, a compound that inhibits some types of detrimental bacteria that cause urinary tract infections.

Warburgia Salutaris has been clinically tested to have anti-microbial activity against bacterial (including E-coli, the most common pathogen responsible for acute bacterial cystitis); fungal (candida) and parasitic infections. Warburgia also reduces the symptoms of burning pain and frequency of passing urine, associated with bladder infections.

Buchu (Agathosma betulina) assists with the inflammation of the urinary tract due to infections.

Barberry Root Extract (Berberis vulgaris) inhibits the ability of detrimental bacteria to adhere to the wall of the bladder and thereby helps to prevent and control urinary tract infections such as bacterial cystitis.

Recommended Dosage:
Acute Dosage: Take 2 capsules 3 to 4 times a day.
Prevention: Take 1 capsule 2 to 3 times a day.

CHILDREN 4 – 12 yrs: Half the adult dosages.

Use as directed, or as prescribed by your doctor.

Medford Prosta Script

Feel Healthy Medford Prosta Script

Medford Prosta Script

Supports Prostate health and is indicated for the prevention and treatment of Benign Prostatic Enlargement. Can help decrease bladder symptoms such as urgency, frequency, reduced urinary flow and nighttime urgency.
The beneficial effects of Saw Palmetto, extend further than just the treatment of enlarged prostate, Saw Palmetto also relaxes the smooth muscle at the bladder outlet thereby preventing the urinary urgency and frequent urination that occurs in enlarged prostate patients.

This synergistic formula acts at each of these levels to diminish these changes.


• Support for healthy prostate function.

• Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH) support.

• Assists in decreasing the urinary frequency associated with Prostate enlargement.

• Improves libido.

• May reduce male pattern balding.

• May reduce acne and skin breakouts associated with hormonal imbalances in testosterone

When putting together a prostate formula that really works, we have to look at the triggers of prostate disorders and work backwards from there.

With age the following may occur in men:
• Levels of sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) increase therefore making less unbound or free testosterone available (ie free testosterone levels decrease). SHBG also binds to prostate cells causing enlargement. The roots of Stinging Nettle contain extracts known as lignans which bind to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) thereby diminishing SHBG’s negative effects.

• Levels of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) increase and binding of DHT to prostate tissue increases. DHT stimulates prostate cells to enlarge which is a leading contributor of benign prostatic hypertrophy. The enzyme, 5- alpha reductase, converts testoster- one into DHT. Saw Palmetto, Pygeum, Beta-Sitosterol and Zinc are all 5-alpha reductase inhibitors. Saw palmetto and Stinging Nettle also inhibit the binding of DHT to prostate cellular receptors, thus preventing the growth effects of the hormone.

• Levels of estradiol increase. Nettle Root is an aromatase enzyme inhibitor. The aromatase enzyme catalyzes the conversion of testosterone to estradiol, which is a key underlying factor in the progression of enlarged prostate.

• Epidermal Growth Factor (EGF) activity increases (this has been implicated in enlarged prostate). Saw Palmetto and Nettle Root reduces the activity of EGF in the Prostate.

• Free radical activity and inflammation increases. Beta Sitosterol inhibits prostaglandin sythesis in the prostate and thus has anti-inflammatory activity, with some preliminary evidence showing it may have anticancer and immune stimulatory effects. Lycopene provides antioxidant protection for the prostate against prostate cancer. Reishi Mushrooms provide antioxidant protection, and stimulate the general function of the immune system due to their Beta-D-Glucan, Ganoderic Acid & Polysaccharide content.

Recommended Dosage:
Take 1 capsule 2 to 3 times a day or as prescribed by your doctor.